Missions Around the World



Missions Around the World





God is doing great things in Armenia! 

Armenia is the first Eastern European country that we visited.  We stayed in Charentsavan with Pastor Vahram and his family, and did some evangelism and church growth projects.  Many were saved and recommitted their lives to the Lord during this first trip.

On our second visit, we worked primarily in the capitol city Yerevan, with Pastor Davit and his church.   Mt. Ararat is clearly seen from Yerevan.

On our third mission trip to Armenia, we worked with Pastor Gevorg and Lilit in Gyumri and nearby communities.  One day, we drove to a tiny community near the Turkish border, and we were greeted by a family that was heating their home by burning cow poop in a wood-burning stove.  A crippled man there named Kareen told us from his wheelchair that he dreamed we were coming.  We shared the gospel with his family, and his wife Lusine prayed to receive Jesus as Savior. We also prayed for healing for Kareen.

There are no Protestant churches in this community, so a family agreed to start a bible study in their home.

Other highlights from this trip:

  • Evangelistic visits to homes in many towns and villages in Armenia
  • 224 adults prayed to ask Jesus for salvation (my team prayed with 19 adults)
  • Planted home bible studies
  • Followed up with churches, pastors and translators from previous mission trips
  • Encouraged believers (pastors, missionaries and church members)
  • Left financial blessings with the churches we served
  • Prayed for healing for sick individuals